
Ewell Astronomical Society was founded by Phil Ringsdore in 1966 with Sir Patrick Moore as its patron. Following Sir Patrick’s death in 2012, Professor Ian Morison accepted an invitation to become the society’s patron.

The society has the use of an Observatory housed 11 inch Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope installed at Nonsuch High School where we hold regular informal observing sessions. We also hold regular observing sessions at Headley Heath and Ranmore Common near Dorking under dark skies.

We can provide talks, demonstrations and guided viewing sessions for schools and groups such as Brownies, Guides, Cubs and Scouts.

We are sad to announce the passing of our patron Professor Ian Morison on 13th April.
He was a good friend of the Society and over the years gave us many talks along with advice and guidance on Astro Imaging to our members.

He will be sadly missed.

We have resumed our monthly meetings and regular observing sessions.

See below for potential 2024 observing dates (weather permitting).

Please contact us or visit our Facebook page for further details.

New Moon Observing Dates Additional
Thur 11th Jan 8 - 19 Jan
Fri 9th Feb 5- 16 Feb
Sun 10th Mar 4 - 15 Mar
Mon 8th Apr 1 - 12 Apr
Tue 7th May 1 - 10 May
Thur 6th Jun 3 - 14 Jun
Fri 5th Jul 1 - 11 Jul
Sun 4th Aug 29 Jul - 9 Aug
Mon 2nd Sep 26 Aug - 6 Sep
Wed 2nd Oct 30 Sep - 11 Oct
Fri 1st Nov 28 Oct - 7 Nov
Sat 30th Nov 25 Nov - 6 Dec